The mere mention of tooth extraction may conjure up fear and anxiety, but these necessary dental procedures don’t need to be so intimidating. Being fully prepared is the best way to feel more at ease with a tooth extraction.
Knowing what to expect during treatment, when to start fasting beforehand, and what to eat after tooth extraction will help you be ready for your procedure. Learn more about the best ways to prepare for tooth extraction here:
Before having any kind of dental procedure, you should be fully informed on what to expect. When you schedule an extraction, be sure that your oral surgeon gives you a rundown of the procedure and tooth extraction aftercare. Ask questions like, “When can I eat solid food after a tooth extraction?” and “Will I need pain relief after my procedure?”
Many tooth extractions are performed under general anesthesia. In order to be put under, your doctor should be familiar with your medical history and any existing health concerns.
Even local anesthesia can have adverse effects, such as a high heart rate. Your oral surgeon should know if you have any conditions like heart arrhythmia so that they can use alternative numbing agents.
To perform a tooth extraction, your surgeon needs detailed imaging of the tooth and the surrounding jawbone structure. Prior to your appointment, dental X-rays will be obtained to get a clear picture of your teeth and jaw.
Tooth extractions are performed under anesthesia. If you receive a local anesthetic, you’ll be able to drive yourself home. However, if you receive general anesthesia, you will not be allowed to operate your vehicle immediately following your appointment and will need to have someone drop you off and pick you up from your dentist’s office.
An important anesthetic precaution is having an empty stomach. To prepare for your tooth extraction using general anesthesia, you must fast for at least eight to twelve hours before your surgical appointment. You may be allowed to drink clear liquids closer to your appointment, but you should check with your dentist and follow their instructions.
Patients who are immunocompromised or have specific underlying health concerns like mitral valve prolapse will need to take antibiotics before their tooth extraction. These individuals are at an increased risk of infection when having dental surgery, so the antibiotics act as a preemptive line of defense.
One of the most important preparation tips for any kind of dental surgery is to arrive at your appointment early. There will be paperwork to fill out beforehand, and you want ample time to do this. Having additional time to relax and be comfortable before the procedure begins is also beneficial.
Pinnacle Dentistry is a leading provider of dental treatments and oral surgery. Our providers perform everything from routine dental cleanings to emergency tooth extraction. To find out more about our range of services or to schedule a consultation for tooth extraction, contact us today.
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